The work entitled “MetaPonti” is composed of six canvases, distinguished from each other by height and color, so that each one, although concluded and readable in itself, is arranged as a piece of a larger whole, in a single project of connected forms.
The bridge, in this case, is a recognizable symbol of union and relationship, as well as transition and change. The technique used for this work, that of the everted canvases, made possible by devices invisible to the eye, creates an expansion of the pictorial figures towards the outside, giving body to solid geometries, capable of lights and shadows that conquer three-dimensionality.
The deliberately simple graphic synthesis, based on orthogonality, distinguishes the vertical load-bearing elements from the horizontal connecting ones, leaving space, in the center, for the solid, three-dimensional and faceted mass of the cube, which becomes part of the environment in which the spectator moves.
“MetaPonti” therefore, a work where relationship and connection become tools of artistic creation.
Patrizia Gelli
Art Historian
MetaPonti (2024)
Acrylic on extruded canvas
90 H x 140 L x 8 P cm
MetaPonte 1 (2024)
Acrylic on extruded canvas
40 H x 40 L x 8 P cm
MetaPonte 2 (2024)
Acrylic on extruded canvas
40 H x 40 L x 8 P cm
MetaPonte 3 (2024)
Acrylic on extruded canvas
40 H x 40 L x 8 P cm
MetaPonte 4 (2024)
Acrylic on extruded canvas
40 H x 40 L x 8 P cm
MetaPonte 5 (2024)
Acrylic on extruded canvas
40 H x 40 L x 8 P cm
MetaPonte 6 (2024)
Acrylic on extruded canvas
40 H x 40 L x 8 P cm
MetaPonti (2024)
Acrylic on extruded canvas
65 H x 65 L x 6,5 P cm (frame incl.)
MetaPonte 1 (2024)
Acrylic on extruded canvas
65 H x 65 L x 6,5 P cm (frame incl.)
MetaPonte 2 (2024)
Acrylic on extruded canvas
65 H x 65 L x 6,5 P cm (frame incl.)
MetaPonte 3 (2024)
Acrylic on extruded canvas
65 H x 65 L x 6,5 P cm (frame incl.)